Universal Robots, leader in Robotics, i Matriçats, leader in the sector of metall transformation (embotició, tall and 3d laser welding), start a collaboration agreement to introduce collaborative technology in the metall sector.
Aquest procés s'ampara en l'esperit d'establir noves fites in the camp of the processes of Automated Welding and other types of unions, for multiple sectors such as: Transport Sector, Ús Aigua i Aire, Automotive Sector, Railroad, Aeronautic, Naval, Food Industry Sector, Horeca, Energy Sector, Renewable Energies, Sanitary Sector, Clinic, Pharmaceutical, Chemical Sector, Petrochemical, Agricultural Sector, Branch, Construction Sector, Equipment, Urbà Furniture, ...
Amb això is hoping to affect an altre creeping into Industry 4.0.