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SUBCONTRATACIÓN 2017 - From 6 to 8 June www.subcontratació

The sectors representatives to the International Fair of Processes and Equips for Manufacturing They encompass the most basic processes in industrial subcontracting for the most advanced technologies, complete manufacturing processes, as well as equipment and sub-administrations for casting, forging, rolling, tractaments, welding, handling ...

A walkthrough of the manufacturing processes, in which solutions will be tailored to the serious needs, proposals and solutions to the serious needs of equipment for the manufacturing and subcontracting of productius processes.

MATRIÇATS (Pavelló 5 Stand A20) presents the seva especialitat i capacitats in the field of metal transformation: Enginyeria, Industrialització de Procés i Producte. Embotició, Estampació i Transformats en Acer Inoficiente i altres aliatges metàl·lics. Tall and 3D laser welding.