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From the 19 22 November We expose MIDST- Paris midest.com i from 19 to 21 in November, BCN RAIL- Barcelona  www.bcnrail.com

, in the present noves capacitats de Matriçats In the Camp de l'Enginyeria, Industrialització de Procés i Producte, i la nostra especialitat en Embutició, Estampació i Transformats en Acer Ino inoil, així com el Tall i la Soldería 3D.

A Matriçats oferim als nostres clients three different lines of servei: design of producte i procés, industrialització de procés i serial production, providing a global solution to companies from various sectors, who need products from the subcontracting chain that encompasses process amples. Our projects always respond to the needs of clients, providing a quality solution that minimizes costs and ends.

1. DISSENY of Producte i Procés: Create or adapt the design of the producte objecte d'estudi, always looking for the optimal compromise between the requirements and the minimization of manufacturing costs. From the design consensuat amb the client develop the manufacturing process.

2. INDUSTRIALITZACIÓ of Procés: Disposem of workshop with the resources necessary to industrialize the manufacturing process, which is built and adapted to the tools, included in the design of the process. This area also makes possible the subsequent maintenance of the tools, matrius, automatisms and special machines.

3. SERIAL PRODUCTION: Tenim mitjans productius exclusius in the sector of the stainless steel and altres metalls outbreak. Preparats per sèries curtes, mitjanes or llargues. Hydraulic and mechanical substrates (tonatge fins 1.600t, taula fins 2.600mm). Special capacitat per emboticions profundes fins 600mm i gruixos fins 20mm. Auxiliary technologies with tall stations and 3D laser welding, conventional welding stations and automatic stations for politics and finishing.

As every year, this enchants of rebre la seva visits the nostre stand at MIDEST (Booth 6V98) midest.com, the worldwide platform of reference and communication between emissors d'ordres and subcontracts, an initiative that interrelates sectors clau dels manufacturing processes with industrial subcontracting, machinery and subministres per foundry, forging, rolling and surface treatment, steel and l'automatització. Fabricants, suppliers and municipalities are troben on site with suppliers of solutions in the field of transformation of metalls, plastics, electronics, microtechnology and serve the industry.

It is also a plaer rebre'ls during the fourth edition of the fair BCN RAIL (GV P2, Street B Stand 211) www.bcnrail.com, established worldwide referent in matters of railway transport and mobility, which coincides with Smart City and the World Congress of Vehicle Elèctric, converteix Barcelona in the world capital of mobility. This meeting was consolidated with a national and international referent on the railway, it constituted a magnificent sideboard for future solutions that this sector could provide, at the level of sustainable solutions and efficiency for the management of mobility.