
Industrial Supply - HANNOVER MESSE 2014, 7-11 April Hannover, Alemanya.


Ens pleased to participate in the main industrial and subcontracting fair worldwide, which brings together a mateix espai i temps, 7 fires clau per les tecnologies industrials: Industrial automation / Digital factory / Research and Technology / Energy / Industrial Supply / Mobilitec / Industrial Greentec.


In the marc d'aquest world-leading development of the industrial and technological world, which represents the Lloc de Trobada No. 1 for all sectors of industrial technology, they can trobar in the subcontracting contest  Industrial Supply Hall 4 Booth G12, on estarem charms to present-les noves capacitats de Matriçats In the Camp de l'Enginyeria, Industrialització de Procés i Producte, Embotició, Stamping and Transformats in Stainless, and Tall i Solder 3D laser.


Matriçats, a company with a metallic emblem with a prominent leadership in the market for transformation into fred de l'acer stainless and altres metalls, is present in the world's leading crowd among companies in the sector and potential customers in all the industrial sectors, reforçant la seva positioned itself in the international markets and being one of the actors in the latest innovations in the sector, adding value to the best of our services and solutions, grouped into three different lines:

1. DISSENY from Producte i Procés in stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum and high metal materials.

2. INDUSTRIALITZACIÓ processos d'estampació i embotició deep. Tall and 3d laser welding.

3. PRODUCED a series of fish from estampació i bototició in stainless steel, steel, carboni, aluminum and high metal materials.