INDUSTRY LYON 2015 - From 07 to 10 April
INDUSTRY LYON 2015 - From 07 to 10 April
The point of trobada of the professionals of the Industry, dedicated to the equipments, productes, consumables and serveis necessaris in an industrial plant.
At the Subcontractació pavilion is the specialization of powerful PIMES dotades d'alts coneixements tecnològics in the camp del mecanitzat, tornejat, conformat de xapa, tall, motlles d'injecció, termoformat, tractaments de materials or even in electronic components.
Matriçats (HALL6 T10) presents the seva especialitat i capacitats in the field of metal transformation: Enginyeria, Industrialització de Procés i Producte. Embotició, Estampació i Transformats en Stainless. Tall i 3D Laser Welding.
Els Materials Avançats provide superior properties to conventional materials, such as toughness, hardness, durability, elasticity, between three, ... They can also have new properties, including the ability to memorize forms or feelings, depending on the environment and response. The development of Materials Avançats pot fins i tot lead to the design of new products with medical implants, wind turbine blades, photovoltaic devices, ...